For Him: A lillium bouquet
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A lillium bouquet

The Lily flower symbolizes purity and refined beauty. Based on the color or type, the Lily flower can convey different meanings.
38,00 €

Lilies of different kinds are commonly found all across the globe. Lilies come in different shapes, sizes and colors.

Lilies are really excellent plants for beds and borders. Lilies are suitable for use in a shrub border, as accent plants, a formal or naturalized pool planting. Even some of the small species would fit perfectly in an alpine rock garden

Color/Type of Lily Symbolic Meaning
White lily modesty and virginity
orange lily passion
yellow lily gaiety
Lily of the valley sweetness and purity of heart
Easter lily symbol of Virgin Mary


Due to its regal beauty and the variety in color and type that can symbolize a variety of meanings, Lilies are also popular flowers for gifting purposes. Among the flower bouquets of lilies, stargazer and cassablanca lily bouquets are the most sought after floral bouquets. Besides bouquets, lily bulbs as well as potted lily plants are also popular gifts.


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4, Vasileos Constantinou,
8021 Paphos, Cyprus


+357 269 44 773

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