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Say it with 'Red Rose'

The history of Valentine's Day is obscure, and further clouded by various fanciful legends. The holiday's roots are in the ancient Roman festival of Lupercalia, a fertility celebration commemorated annually on February 15. Pope Gelasius I recast this pagan festival as a Christian feast day circa 496, declaring February 14 to be St. Valentine's Day.

But all you need to know is that its time to be Touchy - Feely and express your feelings to your sweetheart.

And what better way from offering an beautiful bouquet of flowers. Touching the eye and pleasing the nose can be very heartwarming.

Bouquet of roses

Pick a beautifull bouquet of roses. A classic but always elegant gift. 

A Bouquet of Roses and Lilies

Offer an astonishing arrangement of roses with lilies. It will talk to the heart.

Lilies and Kerberas in a basket

Consider a nice basket with a variety of fresh flowers and greenery

Roses and Lilies in a clay vase

Even an nice clay pot with an arrangement of roses and lilies decorated with greenery.




What is International Women's Day?

For the women of the world, the Day is an occasion to review how far they have come in their struggle for equality, peace, and development


Newsletter Cover. International Women's day. Say it with flowers




What is International Mothers's Day?



Say it with flowers


Meaningful gesture

Floral selections for her

Floriography, or the language of flowers, stems from the coded messages of the Victorian era that facilitated the exchange of feelings among the simply unpoetic or those who were forbidden to verbally communicate their passions.


Lilies / Lilium


Lilies have been a significant floral symbol for centuries, appearing as a spiritual and philosophical metaphor in mythology and folklore from Egypt to Greece.


What is International Mother's Day?

Mother's Day is a modern celebration honoring one's own mother, as well as motherhood, maternal bonds, and the influence of mothers in society. It is celebrated on various days in many parts of the world, most commonly in the months of March or May. It complements similar celebrations honoring family members, such as Father's Day and Siblings Day..  

The celebration of Mother's Day began in the United States in the early 20th century; it is not related to the many celebrations of mothers and motherhood that have occurred throughout the world over thousands of years, such as the Greek cult to Cybele, the Roman festival of Hilaria, or the Christian Mothering Sunday celebration.


Say it with flowers

We have designed an extensive collection of floral arrangements specially for Her. As a token of appreciation

Color Explosion Box

Color Explosion Box

Lilies and Kerberas in a basket

Lilies and Kerberas in a basket

Pink Beauty

Pink Beauty

Pink on Green

Pink on Green




See also...

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4, Vasileos Constantinou,
8021 Paphos, Cyprus


+357 269 44 773

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With a passion for elegance, we strive to deliver quality and beauty.

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